Venue, venue, which one do you choose?

April 7, 2008 at 10:40 am (wedding) (, , )

So there we were exploring the lush hills of Stellenbosch’s wine route. Man, I had no idea how difficult this whole wedding planning thing is. We drove and drove and drove, then drove some more.

Fortunately it was lovely scenery but still. We managed to find a place and it’s pretty and all that. So now we have to get cracking on all the other stuff. I don’t even have a to-do list. Is that a bad thing? Or is it bad because my friend has a to-do list (for my wedding) and I don’t?

This is going to descend into madness, I’m sure.


  1. Honeymoon Africa said,

    So what did you choose in the end? I can’t make up my mind either. There are a million options!!! And not a cheap price among them…!

  2. Logan Dicke said,

    I am able to imagine the hard push the button must have been required to research for this post.

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